Physical Therapy Mission Statement

The entry-level physical therapy program is an accredited full-time weekend program dedicated to preparing motivated graduates to become skilled, ethical and respectful doctors of physical therapy with a commitment to evidence based practice, lifelong learning and service.  Through a strong science foundation and a challenging yet supportive environment, congruent with the mission of Dominican University, graduates are prepared to deliver the highest standards of practice and leadership to meet the ever-changing societal needs related to movement, function and health.

Physical Therapy One of the US News Best Jobs

Read the article from US News Best Jobs

See Instructional Weekend dates Until Summer 2022 below.


Instructional Weekend




Spring 2021





(Years 2 – 4)





(Year 1)

Fall 2021


Spring 2022




(Years 2 – 4)





(Year 1)


Jan 8 - 10

May 7 - 9

May 7 - 9

Sept 10 - 12

Jan 7 -9

May 13 -15

May 13 -15


Jan 15 - 17

May 14 - 16


Sept 17 - 19

Jan 14- 16

June 3 - 5



Jan 29 - 31

June 4-6

June 4-6

Oct 1 - 3

Jan 28 -30

June 10 -12

June 10 -12


Feb 5 - 7

Jun 11 - 13

Jun 11 - 13

Oct 8 - 10

Feb 11 -13

June 24 -26

June 24 -26


Feb 26 - 28

Jun 25 -27

Jun 25 -27

Oct 22 - 24

Feb 25 -27

July 8 -10

July 8 -10


Mar 12-14

Jul 9 - 11

Jul 9 - 11

Nov 5 - 7

March 11 -12

July 15 -17

July 15 -17


Mar 26 - 28

Jul 23 - 25

Jul 23 - 25

Nov 19 - 21

March 25 -27

July 29 -31

July 29 -31


Apr 9 - 11

Aug 6 - 8

Aug 6 - 8

Dec 3 - 5

April 8 -10

August 12 - 14

August 12 - 14


Apr 16 - 18

Aug 13 - 15

Aug 13 - 15

Dec 10 -12

April 15 -17

August 19-21

August 19-21


Students are responsible to be available to attend all Program events for all on-campus instructional weekends, including alternate weekends. 

Please keep in mind that the schedule is subject to change and you will be notified if changes are made.


Prusmack G27 Movement Lab: View availability and book a timeslot: G27 weekday room availability - Fall 2020




Remote Learning – Professionalism and  Student Code of Conduct

Remote learning (Zoom, or any other distance learning platform) is becoming an integral component of the DPT department class sessions.  Zoom, et all is to be considered a classroom; therefore, all traditional classroom etiquette applies and students are expected to adhere to the following best practices in order to ensure an optimal learning environment.

Please see below file for full Zoom Etiquette Policy

Student Zoom Code of Conduct Compilation.docx


Clinical Education


PT 757 Clinical Experience II


Please make sure to track and coordinate with your CI to make up any missed days.



All weekly goals sheets should be submitted within 24 hours of the last day of the affiliation. Missed submissions may result in a grade of incomplete.

At the end of the affiliation, please submit and upload your Student Evaluation of Clinical Experience document.

Upload your In service documents to blackboard within 48 hours of the end of your affiliation.

Research Corner



Job Postings


Looking for future employment or just simply want to try  new experience?  PT'S Job Posting Board is updated monthly

and features local and national job opportunities at a variety of levels.  What do you have to lose?  Take a look...........


Columbia Univ Residency PT-Flyer.pdf

 Adapt Physical Therapy.docx

LINK Home Therapy Recruitment Flyer.pdf

ASTR Scholarship.pdf


Link to Sullivan Library's Physical Therapy Resources
You may find the library's new database Rehabilitation Reference Center to be helpful for your Research Project and other coursework.


Each student has access to the Electronic Medical Records (EMR), WebPT. Access to the EMR allows students to train in an online EMR system before treating in the clinic.


Each student has been assigned a personal log-in for WebPT. To begin, access the main site at: https://www.webpt.com/.


Username: Your username is the same username assigned to your DC email account. For example, if your email is: johndoe1@dc.edu, your WebPT username is: johndoe1


Password: Your password for first-time login is: “Password1!”. You will be required to change your password when logging on for the first time.


If you have any questions about WebPT, you may access a series of WebPT training modules at https://webpt.learnupon.com/. Here, you need to register first (a complete new sign up and not the one that you use for Webpt). Once you've signed up, in the top left, click on 'resources', followed by 'catalog', to view all the courses.